Thursday, March 10, 2011

We're Off!

Good morning!  It's 3:00 in Manila, and we are up and preparing to leave for the airport by 4:30am for a 7am flight!  The flight will take us through Tokyo-Narita airport, to Detroit, to Birmingham.

Please pray for a smooth travel for Rammy.  He's only been in a car a handful of times and never a plane!!!

Also, please pray for our first encounter with Kuya Jack and Nick and Ate Mary Beth.  We will be coming off a 24hour travel experience and they will be eager to greet all of us!  Precious ones...

Last night, we all sort of hit a wall and were so tired and sort of mourning the end to this special time.  A little post-adoption depression maybe?  I have a feeling it won't last for long. . . Rammy has a contagious smile and personality.  We are so blessed.  Not to mention I will have all four of my children together tomorrow!  We leave this morning which is Thursday afternoon for you Americans!  We will get home around 5pm - please don't call us!  ;-)  hee hee  With 280 traffic, Rammy should meet the rest of his family around 8 or 9!  :-)  not to mention his first ride in a carseat - please pray for this also.  He may be quite frightened when we try to strap him in; although, he seems to like the buckle on the stroller at least...

God bless you for praying for us and encouraging us along the way!  Here's some pictures from ICAB day and the "Beibering:"  :-)


  1. It's Thursday night in the US so you're on the LOOOOONG flight by now! Please know that I am in prayer for all the things you mentioned in your post. I can't wait until you cap this adventure off with a COMPLETE family picture (hint hint). . . only when you're rested and ready, of course.
    Big Hugs,
